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As a proven leader and twice-elected Mayor on the city council, I have worked diligently to enhance our community. During my tenure, we have accomplished significant improvements, including rebuilding roads, revitalizing the sports park, adding sidewalks, and installing state-of-the-art lighting. We have maintained balanced budgets, increased reserves, and embarked on the construction of a new city hall, all without incurring additional debt.

Furthermore, we have reinvested in our open spaces, preserving our equestrian heritage. We have also strengthened public safety by hiring two new deputy sheriffs for the first time in 20 years.

As a lifelong resident with three generations of family living in District 1, including my daughter and mother, I am deeply committed to elevating the standard of living for all residents, regardless of their background or economic status. My dedication has earned me endorsements from residents and community leaders across party lines.

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Friends of Sergio Farias for SJC City Council - FPPC# 1470696
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