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Finish paving our city streets;

Further increase Law Enforcement;

Increase Parking throughout District 1;

Prevent the building of the toxic battery farm;

Build the Skate Park in 2025!

Increase Parking

To drastically improve District 1's quality of life, it is imperative to tackle the persistent
parking challenges faced by both residents and visitors. A comprehensive, data-driven
approach is essential to address this issue effectively.

Under my guidance, a comprehensive parking study has been commissioned to gather
critical data. This study will offer valuable insights into the current parking situation,

● An evaluation of the existing parking infrastructure, including the number and
location of parking spaces and the availability of parking for various user types
(e.g., residents, visitors, businesses).
● An analysis of parking demand, including peak times and days for parking, as
well as the impact of major events or attractions on parking needs.
● A review of parking regulations and encompassing existing parking policies.

By addressing the parking challenges in District 1, we can enhance the quality of life for
residents, visitors, and businesses, and foster a more vibrant and sustainable

Prevent the building of the toxic battery farm

As mayor, I led the passage of a citywide moratorium on battery storage projects. Given the environmental concerns surrounding the proposed site, I'm committed to protecting our natural resources and safeguarding residents from any potential project impacts.

Friends of Sergio Farias for SJC City Council - FPPC# 1470696
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